Veille : janvier-février 2024

Cette page est structurée selon trois thèmes : a) équité, diversité et inclusion (EDI) b) décolonisation, et c) perspectives intersectionnelles.


Ouvrage collectif

Knisely, K. A., & Russell, E. L. (Éds.). (2024). Redoing Linguistic Worlds. Multilingual Matters.

Denise, E. J., & Louis, B. M. (Éds.). (2024). Conditionally Accepted : Navigating Higher Education from the Margins. University of Texas Press.

Chapitre de livre

Chakraborty, S. (2024). From Diversity to Discovery : Canada’s Path to Inclusive Research Excellence. Dans S. Chakraborty (Éd.), Challenges of Globalization and Inclusivity in Academic Research (p. 81‑91). IGI Global.

Articles de revues savantes

Baranowski, M., Webb, N., & Slater, J. (2024). What’s the big IDEA? Incorporating inclusion, diversity, equity, and access (IDEA) in population health nutrition research and practice. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism, 49(4), 560‑565.

Barbo, G., & Petrucka, P. (2024). Barriers associated with inaccessible mental health services for youth refugees and asylum seekers: an integrative review. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 14(4), 45‑73. Érudit.

Billion, J., Sahut, J.-M., Doussard, C., & Dang, R. (2024). Qu’apporte l’étude des entrepreneurs en situation de handicap à la littérature entrepreneuriale ? Une revue systématique de la littérature. Management international / International Management / Gestiòn Internacional, 28(1), 80‑91. Érudit.

Lachegar, M., & Lemieux, N. (2024). Le changement diversité comme réalité organisationnelle au Québec : Étude exploratoire sur les déclencheurs et les particularités. Humain et Organisation, 8(1), 32‑49. Érudit.

Le Jeune, F. (2023). État des lieux de la recherche sur le multiculturalisme canadien. Études canadiennes/Canadian Studies. Revue interdisciplinaire des études canadiennes en France, 95, 9‑42.

Rachédi, L. (2024). Pour une approche interculturelle critique au XXIe siècle : Dépasser la culture pour lutter contre le racisme. Intervention, 158, 5‑18. Érudit.

Southern, D. E. (2024). Whiteness and racialized emotions in leaders’ planning and implementing equity in graduate education organizations. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.

Southey, S., Morris, R., Nicholas, D., & Pilatzke, M. (2024). Autistic Perspectives on Employment : A Scoping Review. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.

Wood, J., & Harris, F. I. (2024). Racelighting Black, Indigenous and People of Color in education : A conceptual framework. Equality Diversity and Inclusion.


Ouvrages collectifs

Chacón, G. (Éd.). (2024). Abiayalan Pluriverses: Bridging Indigenous Studies and Hispanic Studies. Amherst College Press.

Kempf, A., & Watts, H. (Éds.). (2024). Critical Perspectives on White Supremacy and Racism in Canadian Education : Dispatches from the Field. Taylor & Francis.

Chapitres de livre

Sarkar, D. (2024). Naturalizing Race and Racialized Geographies. Dans P. Akhimie (Éd.), The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Race (p. 0). Oxford University Press.

Whitla, B. (2024). Sounding Coloniality/Voicing Resistance. Dans E. Johnson-Williams & P. Burnett (Éds.), Hymns and Constructions of Race : Mobility, Agency, De/Coloniality (p. 181‑197). Taylor & Francis.

Articles de revues savantes

Allard-Tremblay, Y. (2024). Dispelling the Fantasy of Innocence: Complicity and the Cultivation of Transgression in Settler Colonial Contexts. Canadian Journal of Political Science-Revue canadienne de science politique, 57(1), 1‑20.

Datta, R., & Starlight, T. (2024). Building a meaningful bridge between indigenous and western worldviews: Through decolonial conversation. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 23.

Eaton, S. (2024). Decolonizing academic integrity: Knowledge caretaking as ethical practice. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.

Gagné, N., & Jérôme, L. (2024). La portée transformatrice et politique des rituels autochtones. Studies in Religion-Sciences religieuses.

Peltier, C., Dickson, S., Grandpierre, V., Oltean, I., McGregor, L., Hageltorn, E., & Young, N. (2024). Culturally appropriate consent processes for community-driven indigenous child health research : A scoping review. BMC Medical Ethics, 25(1).

Reid, A., Mcgregor, D., Menzies, A., Eckert, L., Febria, C., & Popp, J. (2024). Ecological research « in a good way » means ethical and equitable relationships with Indigenous Peoples and Lands. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 8(2).

Sharma, N., Walker, J., Wenghofer, E., Moeke-Pickering, T., & Lindenbach, J. (2024). Indigenous approaches to health assessment : A scoping review protocol. Systematic Reviews, 13(1).

Sullivan-Clarke, A. (2024). Strategic ignorance, is it appropriate for indigenous resistance? Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 27(1), 78‑93.


Chapitre de livre

Joubin, A. A. (2024). Trans Studies at the Crossroad : From Racialized Invisibility to Gendered Legibility. Dans P. Akhimie (Éd.), The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Race (p. 0). Oxford University Press.

Articles de revues savantes

Fresnoza-Flot, A. (2024). Pursuing social justice in gender and migration research. International Migration, 62(1), 347‑351.

Kim, Y. (2024). Quantitative criticalism for social justice and equity-oriented communication research. Human Communication Research, 50(2), 162‑172.

Wu, C. (2024). The gender citation gap : Approaches, explanations, and implications. Sociology Compass, 18(2), e13189.

Zembylas, M. (2024). Racial gaslighting as affective injustice : A conceptual framework for education. Race Ethnicity and Education, 1‑15.