Veille : novembre-décembre 2023

Cette page est structurée selon trois thèmes : a) équité, diversité et inclusion (EDI) b) décolonisation, et c) perspectives intersectionnelles.


Chapitre de livre

Cornelius-Hernandez, T., & Taylor, C. S. (2024). Barriers and opportunities for implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion within educational and research settings. Dans B. Srinidhi (Éd.), Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Matter : Challenges and Solutions (p. 217‑241). World Scientific.

Articles de revues savantes

Handlovsky, I., Marcellus, L., Newton, L., Zakher, B., & Mussell, J. (2023). Clarifying contemporary conceptualizations of allyship with LGBTQ2S+groups in the context of health care or health settings : A scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 21(12), 2429‑2437.

Hunter, M. (s. d.). Colorism research over the decades. Research in Human Development, 1‑11.

Ko, D., Mawene, D., Krichevsky, B., & Lim, S. (2023). Organizing possible futures : A systematic review on dis/ability justice frameworks to design equity-oriented inclusive teacher education programs. Review of Educational Research, 00346543231212927.

Williams, D. T. (2023). Racial disparities without racism : some conceptual & analytical considerations. Sociology Compass, e13182.


Livre (monographie)

Pirbhal-Illich, f., Martin, F., & Pete, S. (2023). Decolonizing Educational Relationships : Practical Approaches for Higher and Teacher Education. Emerald Group Publishing.

Ouvrage collectif

Datta, R. (dir.). (2023). Decolonization in Practice : Reflective Learning from Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Canadian Scholars’ Press.

Articles de revues savantes

Adkin, L. (2023). Cracking foundations, contested futures : Post-secondary education in Alberta at the end of the holocene. Review of Education Pedagogy and Cultural Studies.

Anderson, J., & Atalay, S. (2023). Repatriation as pedagogy. Current Anthropology, 000‑000.

Duchesne, É. (2023). Éthique et collaboration avec les communautés autochtones : La pratique ethnographique et les angles morts de la bureaucratie de la recherche. Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique, 6(3‑4), 146‑151. Érudit.

Hamel-Charest, L. (2023). Non-indigenous and indigenous food-related interactions : How does the transmission of a normativity perpetuate colonialism? Canadian Journal of Public Health.

Hill, L. S., Ghorpade, S., & Galappaththi, M. (2023). Toward decolonizing sustainability research : A systematic process to guide critical reflections. FACETS, 8, 1‑11.

Hutchinson, P., Mcilduff, C., Legare, M., Keewatin, M., Hagel, M., Chapados, M., & Acharibasam, J. (2023). Indigenous knowledge mobilization : Reflection on context, content, and relationship. Alternative-An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples.

Kirouac Massicotte, I. (2023). Pour en finir avec la contre-culture settler : Place à la contre-culture autochtone. Alternative francophone, 3(3), 119‑137.

Melançon, J., & Parker, A. (2023). Comprendre l’appartenance et les relations : Retour sur les Tables rondes des francophones et des Métis de l’Ouest canadien. Francophonies d’Amérique, 56, 73‑100. Érudit.

Tremblay, M., Sydora, B., Listener, L., Kung, J., Lightning, R., Rabbit, C., Oster, R., Kruschke, Z., & Ross, S. (2023). Indigenous gender and wellness : A scoping review of Canadian research. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 82(1).

Woods, C., Settee, C., Beaucage, M., Robinson-Settee, H., Desjarlais, A., Adams, E., Turner, C., King, M., Pokiak, L., Wilson, M., Voyageur, E., Large, C., McGavock, J., Kappel, J., Chiu, H., Beardy, T., Flett, I., Scholey, J., Harris, H., … Can-SOLVE CKD Indigenous Peoples. (2023). Ensuring indigenous co-leadership in health research : A Can-SOLVE CKD case example. International Journal for Equity in Health, 22(1).


Ouvrage collectif

Khalid, A., Holmes, G., & Parpart, J. L. (dir.) 2023). The Politics of Silence, Voice and the In-Between : Exploring Gender, Race and Insecurity from the Margins. Taylor & Francis.

Chapitre de livre

Cornell, J., Hearn, J., Ratele, K., & Kessi, S. (2023). Sexual justice and sexualities. Dans P. Liamputtong (dir.), Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health (p. 1‑21). Springer International Publishing.

Articles de revues savantes

Dixon, S., Batta, M., & Jidong, D. E. (2023). Using intersectionality theory to explore the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Black Canadian people’s health. Medical Research Archives, 11 (11). .

Sherman, A., Febres-Cordero, S., Johnson, K., Clark, K., Klepper, M., Duroseau, B., Lin, Y., Zhang, W., Coleman, M., Prakash, D., Daniel, G., Chand, A., Kalu, U., Tarter, R., Allgood, S., Cohen, S., Kelly, U., & Balthazar, M. (2023). Intersectionality in nursing research : A scoping review. International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances, 5.

Torres, S. (2023). Racism in research on older migrants and ethno-racial minorities: Insights from two scoping reviews. Innovation in Aging, 7(Supplement_1), 397‑398.