Veille : septembre-octobre 2023

Barker, A., & Pickerill, J. (2023). Geographies of collective responsibility : Decolonising universities through place-based praxis. Journal Of Geography in Higher Education.

Cappiali, T. (2023). A Paradigm Shift for a More Inclusive, Equal, and Just Academia ? Towards a Transformative-Emancipatory Pedagogy. Education Sciences, 13(9).

Frenette, A. (2023). Story-listening as methodology : A feminist case for unheard stories. Gender Place and Culture.

Goddard-Durant, S., Doucet, A., Tizaa, H., & Sieunarine, J. (2023). « I don’t have the energy » : Racial stress, young Black motherhood, and Canadian social policies. Canadian review of sociology-Revue canadienne de sociologie.

Jacobsen, K., Davis, C., Burchell, D., Rutherford, L., Lachowsky, N., Bauer, G., & Scheim, A. (2023). Misgendering and the health and wellbeing of nonbinary people in Canada. International Journal of Transgender Health.

Jae, K. (2023). Decolonizing Futures Practice : Opening Up Authentic Alternative Futures. Journal of Futures Studies, 28(1), 15‑24.

Kamya, H. (2023). Decolonizing Mental Health/Social Work Practice in Uganda : Reconstructing an African-Centric Framework Through Traditional Values and Beliefs. Smith College Studies in Social Work.

Kissi, E., & Ewan, A. (2023). The Erasure of Blackness and Shortcomings Within the Early Learning and Care Sector in Canada : Recommendations for the Way Forward. Journal of Childhood Studies, 48(3), 33‑47.

Malli, A., Monteith, H., Hiscock, E., Smith, E., Fairman, K., Galloway, T., & Mashford-Pringle, A. (2023). Impacts of colonization on Indigenous food systems in Canada and the United States : A scoping review. BMC Public Health, 23(1).

Peters, S., & Woodward, M. (2023). A roadmap for sex- and gender-disaggregated health research. BMC Medicine, 21(1).

Rodney, R., Hinds, M., Bonilla-Damptey, J., Boissoneau, D., Khan, A., & Forde, A. (2023). Anti-oppression as praxis in the research field : Implementing emancipatory approaches for researchers and community partners. Qualitative Research.

Wilkinson, A., Muhajir, K., Bailey-Brown, P., Jones, A., & Schiff, R. (2023). Filling in the gaps : Examining the prevalence of Black homelessness in Canada. Housing Care and Support.

Wolfman, G. (2023). Intentions, structures and intersections : Theorising complicit masculinities as political masculinities. European Journal of Politics and Gender.